The American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry recommends that parents make an initial “well-baby” appointment with a pediatric dentist approximately six months after the emergence of the first tooth, or no later than the child’s first birthday.

For some parents, this may seem surprisingly early. However, tooth decay and early cavities can be exceptionally painful if they are not attended to immediately. The pediatric dentist can provide strategies for eliminating unwanted oral habits (for example, pacifier use and thumb sucking) and can also help parents establish a sound daily oral routine for the child.

>> Learn more about oral health tips


What will happen during the first visit?

There are several goals for the first dental visit. First, the pediatric dentist and child need to get properly acquainted. Second, the dentist needs to monitor tooth and jaw development to get an idea of the child’s overall health history. Third, the dentist will evaluate the health of the existing teeth and gums. Finally, the dentist aims to answer questions and advise parents on how to implement a good oral care regimen.

 >> Tips for the child’s first visit

Initial Checkup Process:

  • Dental staff will greet the child and parents.

  • The infant/family health history will be reviewed (this may include questionnaires).

  • The pediatric dentist will address parental questions and concerns.

  • More questions will be asked, generally pertaining to the child’s oral habits, pacifier use, general development, tooth alignment, tooth development and diet.

  • The dentist will provide advice on good oral care, how to prevent oral injury, fluoride intake and sippy cup use.

  • The infant’s teeth will be examined. Generally, the dentist and parent sit facing each other. The infant is positioned so that his or her head is cradled in the dentist’s lap. This position allows the infant to look at the parent during the examination, providing comfort and minimizing fear.

  • The dentist may clean the teeth, and may apply a topical fluoride treatment to the teeth.

  • Good brushing and flossing demonstrations will be provided.

  • The state of the child’s oral health will be described in detail and specific recommendations will be made. Recommendations usually relate to oral habits, appropriate toothpastes and toothbrushes for the child, orthodontically correct pacifiers and diet, to name a few.

  • The dentist will detail which teeth may appear in the following months.

  • The dentist will outline an appointment schedule and describe what will happen during the next appointment.